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Lunchtimes at St Mary Redcliffe

Thursday lunchtime recitals are a long-standing tradition at St Mary Redcliffe, giving people the opportunity to hear music played in this historic church. The church has a four manual pipe organ by Harrison and Harrison of Durham, which is highly regarded as a masterpiece of the early twentieth century.
Thursdays / 1:00pm / Free entry

March 13th – Salutation

Bristol University Singers | Elinor Cooper

Bristol University Singers is the University’s top auditioned ensemble, performing a range of music across the academic year in venues around Bristol. The programme is inspired by nature and Christian imagery, and includes Hildagard von Bingen’s O Frondens Virga, Caroline Shaw’s And the Swallow and Eriks Esenvalds Salutation.

March 20th – Flavours of Lent

Angela Soanes | Organ

This wonderful recital from West Midlands based organist Angela Soanes reflects music inspired by the season of Lent. The programme includes Thomas Hewitt-Jones’s Defeating Lucifer adn Durufle’s Prelude from Suite Op. 5.

March 27th – Great Sacred Music

St Paul’s Scholars | SMR Scholars

Inspired by Chantel Merza’s Eden Bleeds exhibition, we look at some of the great pieces of music written about The Creation. Featuring a varied programme of prayer, reflection and beautiful music, this recital brings together choral scholars from across the city of Bristol.

April 3rd – De Profundis

Aaron Shilson | Organ

Aaron is currently the Assistant Director of Music at Llandaff Cathedral, and he joins us to give a recital inspired by Passiontide. Programme to include Mors et resurrectio by Jean Langlias and Howell’s Psalm Prelude Set 2 No. 1

April 10th – Passiontide to Easter

Emma Gibbins | Organ

Our final recital this lent takes us through Holy week and up to Easter, as Emma Gibbins joins us from Chelmsford Cathedral. Her programme takes us on a journey through the week, including Georg Böhm’s Ach wie nightig, ache wie flüchtig and Charles Tournemire’s Improvisation sur “Victimae Paschali”.

Please follow this link to the church’s website for details of forthcoming music.