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Officers 2024-2025

President: Claire Hobbs
Vice President:  Mark Lee
Junior Vice President: John Talbot
Treasurer: Richard Powell
Secretary: Eric Tyson

We are a local group of about 150 people who like to share our enjoyment of the organ and its music.

There are no restrictions on membership: we welcome all who are interested in the organ and appreciate its music – women, men, students, players and non-players. We aim to promote the organ as an instrument of practical and versatile music making in church, chapel or concert hall. Grants are available to assist B&DOA Student Members with their tuition, sometimes with special lessons from a nationally recognised or internationally-known expert. You can read more about this here.

Throughout the year we arrange regular events, including visits to notable organs, some of which are not normally accessible, both in and outside our area, and often with the opportunity to play as well as listen to them. We also enjoy master classes, talks, presentations, demonstrations, recitals, and an Annual Dinner with a guest speaker.

Our regular meetings also provide the opportunity for members to get to know each other socially and to share their interests and experience. We also welcome non-members to our  meetings, because we are keen to foster the interest of all organ enthusiasts of any age, and we endeavour to encourage their continued interest and skills in playing or appreciating the organ and, of course, we’d like them to join us as a member!

Affiliated to the IAO

The B&DOA is affiliated to The Incorporated Association of Organists (founded 1934) which is an umbrella institution that supports the work of local associations and holds regional and national events.

Our B&DOA members can receive an optional discounted subscription of the informative and excellent quarterly glossy 100 page IAO magazine Organists’ Review.

Why not join us?

Membership of the B&DOA includes free entry to most of our events, and an optional discounted subscription to the Organists Review magazine.